
Mobile Mindfulness

In 2013, I became interested in meditation as a form of developing mindfulness, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence to improve performance and general well-being. Like most people, I was incredibly skeptical at first. Sitting still and quiet has never been something I’ve found particularly enticing; I’m much more comfortable being constantly stimulated by music, TV, podcasts, and the internet. However, I've also noticed that in many ways, technology has shortened my attention span and altered the way I think and work. This has driven a personal interest in products that are able to flip the paradigm and have the opposite effect, sparking deep stages of productivity and calm.  

The Necessity of the Connected Self

I’m much more excited about the potential of HealthKit, GoogleFit, and other connectivity platforms that promise to centralize previously disparate sources of data in the growing Health and Fitness application ecosystem. Hopefully, by enabling both medical professionals and developers with the opportunity to paint a more complete picture of an individual’s health, we can drive real outcomes in the healthcare system.